Mom of 3 Sweet Girls
I'll forever cherish these moments!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Father's Day
The girls decorated their dad's bedroom in St. Louis Cardinals - pillow covers, curtains, pics, bat - that just about covers it! :-)

Friday, April 29, 2011
Now that Briley is 4 - she has become quite the grown-up! She is still my Briley - just as strong willed as ever. She sure does know how to stand up for herself and let you know what she thinks. She is taking swimming lessons at Western for the first time and she absolutely LOVES it. Pai began lessons at age 4 and now she has stepped aside so that Bri can have her chance! :) Bri goes to preschool 1/2 day and will get to go one more year of preschool next year. She doesn't exactly love school but oh my goodness LOVES homework - yep, you heard me. She LOVES homework. . . cried the other day because whe didn't have any! I'm cracking up! Definitely doesn't take after Pai here. I'll have to show her this in a few years when homework isn't so high on her list of things to do! She is so independent . . doesn't want much help for anything. Still dressing in some crazy mismatched outfits but it seems to be winding down. She has actually been wearing matching shoes lately. Oh, and she wore jeans a couple times . . . absolutely refused to wear jeans for a while . . . I think it was a button issue or something???? She would NOT get her pictures made at school - fall nor spring sessions! She cried and squawled like a mashed cat so we just didn't take them! However, she did the best job ever when we went to have Keegan's one year pictures made - I went ahead and took pictures of all my girls. I'll post some of those pics! Love my Bri Bri! OH, and I almost forgot - she has just NOW . . . this week . . . started to TRY new foods. She says & I quote "if I try it I just might like it." Well 9 times out of 10 she does NOT like it . . . but hey - she's trying! Her diet still revolves around chicken nuggets, tacos, chips, and candy. Aaaagh!
Oh my dear goodnes - how life just gets away from me sometimes!!!! My baby girls, Keegan AND Briley both celebrated their birthdays earlier this month! Keegan had her first birthday while Briley is now 4! Briley agreed to have their birthday celebrations on the same date so we compromised and did them both on April 9th.
Keegan is now walking absolutely everywhere and on the verge of running! She tries so hard to keep up with her big sisters & gets her arm waving and her lil feet moving as fast as they will let her! Hilarious! She can say mamamamama and hi - everything else is just "uh!" Oh, and if she wants something she just points and someone comes along to help her out! She knows how to point at my nose and mouth. She can go get things - you know how you point and she goes right along like a little puppy dog and picks it up and brings it to you. She can go get her shoes when asked! She does love shoes - already - and even with her tiny feet. . . she still wears a 3! She's actually wearing clothes in her size - 12 months . . . unlike her sisters who were always a size up! Keegan is my petite one at this point - well below the 50th percintile in both weight and height! She drinks from a straw and demands that you let her hold the cup herself! When she gets mad she just flops down in the floor on her bottom and cries! She still sucks her thumb - mostly just before falling asleep but definitely have noticed that seh doesn't do this as much during the day . . . guess she's too busy. She really likes for you to read to her - Paityn has done gr8 at filling that role. She does like to eat everything she finds in the floor! Aaaagh! She will eat just about anything & her favorite food has to be a banana. She's a climber & loves to climb in the computer chair and right on to the top of the computer desk & then proceeds to bang the mouse on the desk! Love my baby girl!!!!!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Didn't get a pic but my BABY Keegan just took five of those wobbly crazy steps without holding on to anything. She's been taking a couple steps here and there but this was quite a stroll for my baby who turned a whopping 10 months old yesterday!
Above she is whacking her sister Briley in the head and cracking up about it. She's got a lot of "Briley" in her! Loves to climb up in this lil chair - just like Bri did at this age!
Above she is whacking her sister Briley in the head and cracking up about it. She's got a lot of "Briley" in her! Loves to climb up in this lil chair - just like Bri did at this age!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
My fashionable lil models!
What a week!!! :0
My BABY took TWO steps and I finally had the chance to witness it! The girls at daycare told me she did it last week but I can now officially write it in the books! LOL! Keegan has also begun eating big girl food and feeding herself. As you can see, I think spaghetti will be a favorite!
Another first is that we were told at the doctor's office that she may need tubes! I'm so sad about it. She told me the same thing about Pai and from that date forward Pai never had another ear infection! Hopefully the same will come true again and Keegan won't have to have them either. Go away ear infections!!!!!!!!!!

Another first is that we were told at the doctor's office that she may need tubes! I'm so sad about it. She told me the same thing about Pai and from that date forward Pai never had another ear infection! Hopefully the same will come true again and Keegan won't have to have them either. Go away ear infections!!!!!!!!!!
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