Sunday, December 30, 2007
Briley Victorious!
Briley really does love to play with her sister's new dollhouse but there are some pieces that are too small for her to have because, as we all know, everything will end up in her mouth. She kept trying to get the highchairs but there is a small spoon attached and I'm afraid it may come off. Well, after persistently telling Briley "no" maybe a million times, I turned around to get something and you can just SEE the victory on her face when I turned back around! She is holding her trophy high for all to see! I can tell that she has a lot of determination and perseverance, perhaps she will be very goal-oriented?? :-)

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas 07
Click on the link above to see some Christmas pics! Love those girls!!
Click on the link above to see some Christmas pics! Love those girls!!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
fun with family
Too sweet!
I left to run a couple of errands yesterday so I took Paityn with me and left Briley with Brad. Well, I was a little anxious about it just because Brad likes to sleep right up until he goes to work and Briley has become quite an active baby, crawling around & trying to climb on everything. So, I hurried back home and found this:

Who'd would have thought?! HaHa! sorry the pic is blurry but it was too sweet not to share!
Who'd would have thought?! HaHa! sorry the pic is blurry but it was too sweet not to share!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Thanksgiving Indian
I can crawl - on all fours!
. . . and I now have my two bottom front teeth! I LOVE to chew and chew and chew! I've started eating some of those Gerber Graduates finger foods - yummy!
Well, it's that time mom! I can crawl now!
Briley began trying to crawl on all fours last week and yesterday it finally happened. She can crawl at a pretty high rate of speed so here we go! I now have to chase her down to "catch" her and keep her out of things. She hasn't tried to get into the cabinets or things like that yet but boy can she find a tiny piece of paper or dirt! So, here's to some happy chasing! :-)
Thursday, November 15, 2007
By the way, I have my FIRST TOOTH!
With all the sickness going on, I almost forgot about telling you about my tooth. Mommy noticed it over the weekend and it finally poked through on Monday,Nov. 12th. I haven't been fussy or anything! Yeah me - (yeah for mom!) :-)

Here I am checking out a metal spoon at the restaurant. Boy, did that feel good in my mouth - much better that those "soft" ones that mom uses!

Now I'm "crawling" around in my car seat. I just don't seem to sit still much these days! :-0
Here I am checking out a metal spoon at the restaurant. Boy, did that feel good in my mouth - much better that those "soft" ones that mom uses!
Now I'm "crawling" around in my car seat. I just don't seem to sit still much these days! :-0
Saturday, November 10, 2007
I'm SICK! :-(
Well, I've had my first official illness - I have "croup", you know, that barking cough and wheezy breathing. My wonderful doctor gave me some medicine and mom stayed home with me Thursday & Friday to give me lots of TLC. Here in the pic I am telling my sister all about it. I am talking all the time and mumbling all kids of sounds. I'm saying dada but I'm not sure what that actually means yet! :-0)
Check out the expression on my face - I'm really letting Paityn know about how it felt to be sick! I'm MUCH BETTER today! Thanks mom!
Check out the expression on my face - I'm really letting Paityn know about how it felt to be sick! I'm MUCH BETTER today! Thanks mom!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Halloween hay-ride
I can officially sit up - BY MYSELF
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Beautiful Girls!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Pumpkin Time!
We went to Jackson's Orchard today - a yearly outing for my family. Briley still isn't sitting up very well by herself so we didn't have many pumpkin photos but she sure was content snuggling with Granny!
Paityn picked out a pumpkin to make a jack-o-lantern and then we got a pumpkin for Briley that already had a "face" on it. Paityn didn't think Briley should try to use a knife! Such a great big sister!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Paityn's 5th birthday
Click on the link below to see some pics of friends. I need to apologize for not getting many pics! I was too busy running around, organizing, and talking! I hereby vow to do better in the future. PLUS, I hope to get a new camera soon! I'm blaming the poor photography on the camera and not the photographer!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I'm mobile! ("sorta")
Here's Briley making her first attempt to "crawl"! She is hilarious. She sticks her bottom way up in the air and somehow manages to scoot an inch or two! Yeah! It takes a lot of effort. I tried very hard to get a pic of her bottom way up high so you all could laugh at her but apparantly my camera finger just isn't fast enough!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Sorry I haven't posted in a while! Mom has started back to work and it's full speed ahead right now with testing and lesson plans and fall festival and getting ready for fall break!
Briley loves her big sister sooooo much! She is always touching Paityn's face and trying her best to talk to her. I wish you could hear Briley babble! Here they are hanging out in the floor spending some quality time together. They are really carrying on a very important conversation! I think Briley is wondering what Paityn's teeth are for?? HaHa!
Check back soon - Paityn's birthday is next week so we'll have more pics to share!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Our New Favorite "Poses"
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
School days
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Briley is 4 months old today
Click on the url below to see some 4 month pics!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Happy Baby!!

Briley is such a happy baby! I'm trying to figure out the video thing so that I can let you all hear her laugh and see her in action. She smiles so big that you can't even see her eyes because they squint almost shut. It is so cute! She has a million little fat rolls - from eating all the time no doubt! I love it. We are going to begin eating cereal soon so I hope to get a picture of the mess I'm sure that we will make. She does have a hard time taking things by mouth - other than mommy's milk of course. At her 2 month check one of the vaccinations were oral and she gagged on it and it all came back up! Oooooops! She also refuses to take a pacifier for me even though my sister promises that she has gotten her to take it for her. I guess she knows when mom is around and she doesn't want anything else! Love her!!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Zoo animals!
OK, I don't think Lisa did any better with the zoo pictures than I did before my battery died! I think we could both use some lessons in photography! HaHa! Here's three more pics of the kids enjoying their day with the animals! We had so much fun!

Isn't this the cutest little goat you ever saw?? (Not to mention the cutest little girl!!)

Baby Briley chilling out in the stroller in some shade!

Jordan, Paityn, Kobe

Paityn, Kobe, and Jordan were having a great time with this guy. He was "touching" their hands through the glass. So cool!

OK, I'm so sad that this picture has Briley in the sunlight but I promise there was not as much sun as it seems. If you look closely, she is all smiles. This was Briley's first overnight trip so we'll have to record it in our baby book. We went to the Louisville Slugger Museum, spent the night and then visited to zoo the next day. We were at the Louisville Zoo from 10 AM until 5 PM and she never got fussy unless she was hungry, which was expected. So when she was ready to eat, the rest of us did the same. It was sunny but there was shade to escape the sun's rays and some of the exhibits were indoors. The only downside was that my camera battery ran out almost as soon as we entered the zoo and the gift shops did not have a replacement! Can you believe it? That would only happen to me - lesson learned to always carry a spare battery. My sister took pictures with her camera so hopefully I'll post some better pictures soon!

Isn't this the cutest little goat you ever saw?? (Not to mention the cutest little girl!!)

Baby Briley chilling out in the stroller in some shade!

Jordan, Paityn, Kobe
Paityn, Kobe, and Jordan were having a great time with this guy. He was "touching" their hands through the glass. So cool!
OK, I'm so sad that this picture has Briley in the sunlight but I promise there was not as much sun as it seems. If you look closely, she is all smiles. This was Briley's first overnight trip so we'll have to record it in our baby book. We went to the Louisville Slugger Museum, spent the night and then visited to zoo the next day. We were at the Louisville Zoo from 10 AM until 5 PM and she never got fussy unless she was hungry, which was expected. So when she was ready to eat, the rest of us did the same. It was sunny but there was shade to escape the sun's rays and some of the exhibits were indoors. The only downside was that my camera battery ran out almost as soon as we entered the zoo and the gift shops did not have a replacement! Can you believe it? That would only happen to me - lesson learned to always carry a spare battery. My sister took pictures with her camera so hopefully I'll post some better pictures soon!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Time with family
We have been very busy hanging out with our family this past week! We went to concert in the park, the lake, ChuckECheese, and of course we have been shopping a lot! Check out these recent pics!

Briley sporting her "sunhat" - as you can tell by the size, it works well!

Paityn, Jordan, & Kobe shopping! Kobe reminds me of the "grape ape" in his little car. (I hope I'm not revealing my age by rembering the "grape ape"!

Granny & Briley at ChuckECheese

Aunt Lisa & Briley at the concert in the park: Briley is really concentrating on the music!
Briley sporting her "sunhat" - as you can tell by the size, it works well!
Paityn, Jordan, & Kobe shopping! Kobe reminds me of the "grape ape" in his little car. (I hope I'm not revealing my age by rembering the "grape ape"!
Granny & Briley at ChuckECheese
Aunt Lisa & Briley at the concert in the park: Briley is really concentrating on the music!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
down on the farm
Paityn and Grandpa are racing in the garden. Guess who won? I'll give you a hint: she's in the lead in this picture!

Here is a picture of Paityn, Kobe, & Jordon at Grandpa's house shelling peas. As you can see, we love the "country life". We are all barefoot and working hard. Jordan and Kobe arrived in Kentucky this week from their home in Maine. Boy will they have some stories to share when they go back home?!?
Paityn and Grandpa are racing in the garden. Guess who won? I'll give you a hint: she's in the lead in this picture!
Here is a picture of Paityn, Kobe, & Jordon at Grandpa's house shelling peas. As you can see, we love the "country life". We are all barefoot and working hard. Jordan and Kobe arrived in Kentucky this week from their home in Maine. Boy will they have some stories to share when they go back home?!?
Thursday, June 21, 2007
day at the lake
Paityn enjoyed her first time "tubing" behind Uncle Pac's ski boat. We tried last year but Paityn was a little too scared so we didn't push her. This time she did an awesome job and was a very brave girl. Aunt Steph rode the tube with her and we love her so much. Mom just wasn't quite ready to break out in a swim suit yet if you know what I mean. HaHa. Mom was very comfortable just riding around on the boat. We plan to go again next week when Jordan and Kobe can go with us. They arrived in Kentucky last night so we will post pictures again real soon so everyone can see our family from Maine.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
I can't believe I haven't "blogged" sooner than this. What an awesome way to keep in touch with friends and family. My girls are growing and changing so much each day that even I have a hard time remembering how much they have changed. Paityn is now 4 years old and will begin Kindergarten next year. I honestly can't believe it. Briley is now 11 weeks old and has developed quite a personality already. Any time she is awake she is smiling, cooing, and trying to talk. She is so chunky - just like Paityn was. Actually, their baby pictures are practically identical - hope to show you if I can figure out how to post the pictures on my blog. I also hope you enjoy seeing my family and going through life's precious moments with us. See you soon.
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