Isn't this the cutest little goat you ever saw?? (Not to mention the cutest little girl!!)

Baby Briley chilling out in the stroller in some shade!

Jordan, Paityn, Kobe
Paityn, Kobe, and Jordan were having a great time with this guy. He was "touching" their hands through the glass. So cool!
OK, I'm so sad that this picture has Briley in the sunlight but I promise there was not as much sun as it seems. If you look closely, she is all smiles. This was Briley's first overnight trip so we'll have to record it in our baby book. We went to the Louisville Slugger Museum, spent the night and then visited to zoo the next day. We were at the Louisville Zoo from 10 AM until 5 PM and she never got fussy unless she was hungry, which was expected. So when she was ready to eat, the rest of us did the same. It was sunny but there was shade to escape the sun's rays and some of the exhibits were indoors. The only downside was that my camera battery ran out almost as soon as we entered the zoo and the gift shops did not have a replacement! Can you believe it? That would only happen to me - lesson learned to always carry a spare battery. My sister took pictures with her camera so hopefully I'll post some better pictures soon!
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