Briley is such a happy baby! I'm trying to figure out the video thing so that I can let you all hear her laugh and see her in action. She smiles so big that you can't even see her eyes because they squint almost shut. It is so cute! She has a million little fat rolls - from eating all the time no doubt! I love it. We are going to begin eating cereal soon so I hope to get a picture of the mess I'm sure that we will make. She does have a hard time taking things by mouth - other than mommy's milk of course. At her 2 month check one of the vaccinations were oral and she gagged on it and it all came back up! Oooooops! She also refuses to take a pacifier for me even though my sister promises that she has gotten her to take it for her. I guess she knows when mom is around and she doesn't want anything else! Love her!!