Wednesday, April 2, 2008



Briley is one year old today! I can do lots of things like CLIMB. My latest trick is climbing off the bed and up onto the coffee table. I still don't walk - I so prefer to crawl. However, I did take 4 STEPS to Paityn yesterday and then 4 steps back to mom! So, I really can walk - just don't want to. If you try to make me I lay down in the floor with my head down and just whine! Too funny! I don't really like table food very much either except for spaghetti and sliced cheese! Other than that, on some days I eat pudding or apple bits or fish sticks but on other days I spit it out! So confusing for mom! I do have four top teeth and four bottom teeth so I'm totally prepared to chew everything. Let's see, my new word is uh-oh although it comes out uh-eeee. Hilarious! I love to drop things! I'm saying ba for bottle. I drink out of a sippy cup so the bottle is almost gone - again, I just PREFER a bottle. Looks like I'm pretty particular about things huh?!?! Check back soon for birthday pics - we are having my family party this weekend! I'm also having pics made this week so maybe we can post some of those??

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday you you, Happy birthday dear Briley... Happy birthday to you!
Zoe Kate