Sunday, October 25, 2009

Halloween party & hayride

Went to our annual gathering at the Garrett's house - ALWAYS a blast complete with a weinie roast and hayride! The girls had lots of fun playing and hanging out! Thanks Shawna, Chad, Elaina, and baby boy Hayden who is on the way in March!

My cheerleaders!! One UK and one vampire cheerleader! :-)

Briley is really playing the part! Here she is doing a little shaking and breaking!

Paityn at the Fall scene set up at the party. Briely wouldn't get in the picture because she said those monsters beside the bench "might scare her." In other words, they did! :-0 She wouldn't get too close!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fall Break FUN

The girls and I relaxed and went for lots of walks and bike rides over fall break. The first week's weather was nice (maybe a little windy!) but the second week brought on the rain and the cold. We still managed to have some excellent adventures and FUN. Here are a few pics. Enjoy!

Here we go!

Wow! a pile of rocks!
Almost never got Briley out of the rocks! Took LOTS of persuading!

Picking every flower (aka weeds!) along the way! But mom had a beautiful bouquet! :-)

Also went for a walk around the block in the rain. Yes, we jumped in EVERY water puddle the WHOLE way! Loved it! Not sure the umbrellas kept us very dry - I think we got more wet than if we wouldn't have had them.

Birley just had to show off her rain boots!