Thursday, August 12, 2010

First day of PRESCHOOL

Seriously??!?!? Here's my Bri ready for her first day of preschool at the beginning of this past week. She goes 1/2 day to the "big school" in the morning and then to daycare in the afternoons. It's been a rough week for her having to adjust to a new schedule - I don't think she's gonna be one to handle change very well! I go over to feed baby Keegan every day at lunch and she gets very clingy to me and she has never done this before. Hang in there Bri! It'll get easier - we hope! :-O
But doesn't she look sooooooo darn cute?! Love my fashion diva - YES she is still picking her own clothes. I was absolutely amazed she wore plain, white socks - not here normal preference. LOL!

(She was looking for the bus to come! LOL! Sorry baby - you get to ride with mom.)

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